-Mobile continuation from Xanga blog PinkyGuerrero, this blog is PinkyGuerrero, ongoing continuation at blogs Pinky & Janika & Basically Clueless & PinkFeldspar, in that order.
-Most of the graphics and vids click to sources.
-Personal blog for Janika Banks.
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Saturday, May 7, 2022

John D

That was 3 years ago, as you can see. That clicks back to the tweet, by the way.

Johnny was best buds with Hunter S. Thompson. Guess what Hunter liked to do.
Ran into a very shady couple of dots possibly connecting Johnny to a child hunt where by the time they roasted the kill out in the woods, he was ravenous and said something about roasting the kill right after the hunt was the best way to eat it. He never mentioned what was hunted. There are other places to find more on Hunter, as well, who freely admitted that he liked to hunt people.

I used to love everything Johnny did. I had all the movies. Read his biography, really thick book. Dug up articles and interviews from all over the world. I knew his film history and all the things he said about it. And then I started finding out rumors were true. Johnny (allegedly, because I'm not going to risk another massive twt & goog kick) killed River Phoenix. Johnny and a host of other Hollywood and music entertainers went to bat in court for a group of Satanist kids. Stuff like that.

When you go deep, you study movie directors associated with an actor's projects, as well. Tim Burton is one of my faves. Johnny has been extremely loyal to him. For some reason. Oh, I see Tim made this list.

Roald Dahl made it into this list of cannibalism stories through history.
"Dahl took a macabre delight in cannibalism and other deviance. (Most of it came out in his short stories for adults, but he gave children a taste.)"

Guess what else Dahl wrote. That Tim loved. And Johnny acted in.

There's loads more. Loads. Go find it.