It's been so long that I've forgotten which blog in the fleet is the most recent, so I'll pop into the original main one.
I expected all the stats to stop and ppl to move on and forget about me when I pulled all my blogger blogs into private this last Christmas. I was watching a service online on Christmas day, and when the speaker said there is no higher name on this earth than Jesus, I immediately decided to publicly remove my own name with respect to that, especially after what we'd been going thru as a family this last year. I kept these blogs in private mode until Easter, and then I switched them to public again. It was my way of respecting my Heavenly Father after some really big stuff happened.
I've been experiencing private revelations galore and haven't felt at all like sharing, but I may take blogging back up sometime this year. I need to share some things that would knock a few socks off.
In the meantime, I'm still getting (years of this now) phone calls (how in the world do these ppl even get my number?!) from ppl who work for legit companies trying to get interviews and a couple even want to talk film, but you guys know me, I'm on spectrum in my bubble world and don't like the idea of being locked into contracts and then my stuff no longer being allowed out in the wild. I never answer the phone, but I have saved a few voice mails. I can't even imagine who in their right minds think they could make a buck on me being obnoxiously uncooperative, but there you go.
Anyway, I was very surprised to see my stats popping from all over the place, with obvious reading trails on every blog, even thru years old stuff. 🙃 Hugs back at you guys.
I'm still here. I hope you all are doing ok and finding your ways through your own jungles. I'll pick back up, not sure when (real life, busy!), but I do need to share a few things.
Love you guys. ❤