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Last night I abruptly awoke from a dream about a person very much resembling a blue eagle looking me in the face, eye to eye, and reminding me of another dream years ago in which I had asked what my true name is, and was shown a sword of Truth.
My first thought was to look up blue eagles, which I was surprised this morning to find out exist, and tiffany blue because some of the feathering looked a little more that kind of blue, although much of it looked like the picture above, but in my dream not exactly a bird.
I have said across years and blogs that I feel like I 'come from the blue', and that I am here to say something, although most of my life I've felt rather lost and and broken and it's like I'm putting together a really big puzzle or connecting a maze of dots, remembering myself, my past, why I came back.
The dream felt like encouragement to talk about this some more.
This first will look like a gear change, but it's an apology of a sort. I have felt very lazy for some time and that goes against my very nature. It's been very hard pushing through it and I'm wondering if this is not my fault.
I am convinced that my depression is exacerbated by tech, whether it is on or not, and whether I'm actively engaged or not, as long as it is at least powered via battery or current. Any time I am near any tech that is capable of searching for connection (for example, my cpap machine), I feel more scattered, less invigorated, and more fruitless. I'm also itching all over lately without any sign as to why. I can see nothing on my skin. I itch inside, outside, all over like creeping itch, I look for signs of hives or rashes and see nothing. I take zyrtec and benadryl around the clock and it doesn't go away. It feel like my nervous system is itching. This abruptly started some days ago, and I'm noticing it seems worse around tech and I'm almost miserable being next to tech, but I feel driven back to tech because I'm learning so much now.
I've been saying things and sharing things that sometimes get other accounts across medias closed down, so I continue to be careful, respectful, not too aggressive with my sharing. I'm learning many many things about the {ill}legal situations globalism has bound us all into by the way words are used on documents, by the game that is played around real money versus fake money on paper, by the way we all think we have to comply because we don't realize we've been tricked into agreeing to allow ourselves to become entrapped into debt. From what I can tell, debt is illegal.
And they know that.
So I'm going to share some things which may seem bizarre or over the top, and they do take a bit of attention and time to absorb and process, but extremely eye opening and beneficial to helping thought process. You do need to click and do the reading or listening AND thinking for yourself, ok? You're not babies. I'm not your mama.
In these things you'll notice there is a push back against a duality that creates a false rhetoric that in turn creates 'mind traps'. We are trained to think certain ways by the way words are used around us, and very few of us realize what is happening.
I'm autism spectrum and thrive on 'wording'. I have always loved creating proper sentence structure (diagramming sentences is one of my wizard skills), deciphering meaning (inherent meaning layered with complicit meaning layered with coded thinking, since I don't get innuendo and have no social skills like flirting), and establishing definition during haphazard wording by the less experienced or those unaware of hierarchy in thought.
I drive people crazy. I'm sorry, but that's what I was born for, and I believe I have finally arrived at why I'm really here in this ongoing war, possibly even back from a past life in which I was murdered in an explosion trying to stop me from getting classified information to where it needed to go, a dream from tiny childhood I've mentioned a few times. I have worked very hard for years through my autism on better sharing information so that it's easy to get through, so hopefully I can help with that here.
Along the way, I've been living a somewhat 'normal' human life, screwing things up, figuring things out, growing to appreciate true love and wisdom, patience and loyalty, kindness... But underneath it all I have felt compelled to say something, and I've never know what, so I finally decided to just start talking about me and my own stuff and what I have learned over time, so here we are, on Pinky blog again.
I made that line break in case you get interruptions like I do and lose your place, easier to dig to where you left off.
Coronavirus is a misnomer. It is coded thought. Corona as a virus was introduced into our word history long before it ever showed up in everyday language. This world pandemic was engineered, prepped for, part of a very long war that most of us don't see or really know about as something 'real'. Some call this a shadow war being fought with a shadow government, and this thought permeates every country in the world. We all have this in the backs of our unconscious minds.
I know that sounds crazy. But words are important because they trigger the mind to create pictures and scenarios and beliefs that are supposed to subdue masses into compliance or trigger group uprisings. I grew up with this debate, because all this goes back to before I was born. I have lived with this knowledge for nearly 60 years, and I understand it because I began my life in the very early stage of 'propoganda'. Back then propoganda was pretty obvious, but back then people were much more naive and there was no daily sharing with tech, so propoganda worked beautifully. Nowadays propoganda is either so mind numbing or entertaining that we are literally blind to it, laughing at how cute it is when we do see it, ready to defend our brainwashing nearly tooth and nail at a moment's notice if our friends and family get a little weird crawling out of the cozy box we don't realize we live in.
Did you know we have a World Court? Our planet has a world court. For example, this sentence (links to source) "Evidently at midnight EST Tues. 3 March the RV officially began as per order of the World Court." indicates that the Global Currency Reset (GCR) and Revalue (RV) are monitored by the World Court.
The Role of the World Court
Do you know what a Global-federal-postal-court-judge, Post-Master and a Global-Chief-Federal-Postal-Court-Judge & Plenipotentiary-Judge do? They interprets WORDS. How they are used to shape ideas and harm naive people for the sake of wealth. How they are used to stimulate us to live in fear all day, auto-hate on cue, entrap ourselves in what we don't know are legal looking schemes out of ignorance.
Let's take another break. I promise this will get easier, but it helps to be familiar before we dive in.
I'm going to bluntly say it.
Every conspiracy theory you've ever heard of is part of coded intel that may or may not mean what you interpret it to mean.
That sucks.
However, the phrase "conspiracy theory" was allegedly first used by one of our rogue intelligence agencies to cover leaked truth. (link) The more twisted the truth, the better. Make it easy to blow off, to disbelieve, to even laugh at. To entertain.
We have a popular quote that I've seen for years in entertainment- "You want the truth? You can't handle the truth!"
What is truth, anyway? Truth is what you deem it to be after all information that you have is sifted out and assessed. Well, it might be what you believe someone told you, or what you just heard on TV. It's hard to say what truth is.
See if you can catch the flaw in this.
If you clicked to see the upload source, it's the Washington Post, which is extremely biased itself.
What is the truth of broadcasting? As an aspienado, broadcast ownership is my train obsession, which goes back publicly to 2004 when I realized my favorite TV show on the SciFi channel ran the very first dotcom ad for a retail chain I worked in. Back then, Vivendi was a big, big name, but of course, most Americans had never heard of it.
Who owns world media? Click that. I'll wait.
It's not about left vs right. That is the flaw. Left vs right is part of the concocted illusion, part of the word play that hooks the mind. Part of the way our minds are shepherded into groups of same thinkers and held hostage as being 'right' vs 'wrong'.
It doesn't matter so much who did what when, but it does matter that you'll fight tooth and claw for 'your' 'side' being 'right'.
So, what exactly is "right"? The right thing to do, as it were.
You absolutely cannot discern this until you walk away from all that programming. You cannot own your own mind while others are putting things into it. I did that one year, completely walked away from my phone, my television, my computer... And what I found was ME.
Do you know who YOU are?
If you immediately defined yourself as a political entity, that is not who YOU are. That is a cattle brand. None of that matters. Let's ask again.
Do you know who YOU are?
If you defined yourself as a spouse or a parent or a rank in your workplace, that is a role you play. That is not who YOU are. Are you starting to catch on? One more time.
Do you know who YOU are?
Let that question sink in. Find some quiet time and gently space out, and let your mind (and soul?) lead the way.
I am kind. I know I am kind. I may seem mean and blunt and obnoxious, but I will immediately drop whatever I am doing and help someone in trouble when they need me, regardless of what else is happening in my life.
When I sift it all down, that is what I wind up with. And that doesn't come from politics, TV shows, or my phone. That is my inherent self. My personal instinct.
I am not who people think I am when I identify myself with a political party. Ah, you got that. You instantly saw that everyone would automatically lump me into something I'm completely not just because I used a WORD.
And that is where we start, best beloved.
I hope you brought a sandwich. I'm going to run off and get a snack right now.
I think we are ready now to get back to coronavirus.
A virus infects, right. Our bodies, tech, either way, a virus infects.
Bill Gates has an amusing double role in virus protection. He's honestly not very good at it. Microsoft is constantly patching, drives some of us crazy. I've often wondered, though, if that is a cover for our privacy being invaded, since every tech that updates can do a thorough search for something in particular while it's at it. Anyway, Bill is rich. Very rich. Very, very, very rich. And he's all over global pandemic stuff. You can find that in internet digs going back years. It's like the guy is just obsessed with anything virus. He wants to fix it. Or does he?
Some people have noticed that Bill Gates advocates for Agenda 21. I've read that. Takes time, but well worth the read. Yes, the entire thing. Stop complaining. Start learning about smart cities and 'sustainability'. How is Agenda 21 Being Implemented Worldwide? You may laugh about 'conspiracy', but most people who read the entire thing either love it or hate it, and the laughing stops either way. Incidentally, you may have heard that Bill is trying to push manditory vaccination and certification through, which means being microchipped with readable information, much like traveling papers. Bet Orwell never saw that one.
What does this have to do with coronavirus? Well, it's a virus. Bill loves viruses. He gets to help push legislation in definite directions because of viruses. He's rich, he's obsessed, and he's definitely anti-POTUS right now, so whoever is screaming Nazi needs to take a step back and maybe assess this situation. Because control. Because connections. Because words being used to illicit so much fear that the populace becomes willing to allow entrapment.
And that is what the Global-federal-postal-court-judge, Post-Master and Global-Chief-Federal-Postal-Court-Judge & Plenipotentiary-Judge say is wrong. The word guys. The legal definers of what is really going on. Those are linked to their twitters, and you can go from there to their youtube channels and whatnot.
Corona means gold. Funny, we've recently converted to gold standard and that is what the GCR/RV is all about. Gold. Gold virus. Gold infection. They have to get rid of the gold infection. IT SCREWS UP AGENDA 21.
Now let's look up NESARA.
I made this comment on this youtube video.
Then I wrote NESARA LAW https://carolineoceanaryan.com/nesara-now/
There is a pdf I can't figure out how to share, put in search National Economic Security and Reformation Act (NESARA)
And then I added more.
Here is another http://intothelight.news/knowledge-base/nesara/
THIS video legally defines why our matrix is a law of fraudulance and how the council will work while the fraudulent illusion is restructured back to reality. https://youtu.be/iDaeFdDmkDw
If you really want to understand what the 'crazy chaos' is all about in our politics, start with that. NESARA is the law for how we restructure back to gold standard, which includes debt relief because the indebtedness that was set up in the first place was illegal.
If you are ready to move on, let's dive into some interesting twitter digs.
This is how intel coding was used under COVID-19 briefings so the public would hopefully know what was happening (since mainstream medias refused to cover gold standard revaluing after the FED finally went hopelessly bankrupt for good this time). This was all planned out, just like the pandemic was planned out. Agenda 21, meet COVID.
I linked those two snips and the article (click each one to go there), but feel free to go dig some more on your own.
This next snip clicks directly to that thread I highlight. To understand that this was all pre-scripted 2 1/2 years ago gave me arm hair chills. Say what you want about Q, it's certainly not a game, not a hoax, not something to scoff at if we're at this level of military intel drops.
And THAT raises the big question WHY WAS THAT LEVEL NEEDED.
Because Coronavirus was Agenda 21. This is the war, guys. We are in a war for the entire planet. We are taking away the illegal indebtedness elite wealth head games, and dang if it doesn't look like they are trying to kill us.
Do I need to say that again?
Yes, people are really sick. But some aren't and it's not acting like a normal virus. I've seen some really interesting research digs, complete with sourcing to real sites that go back years, and all I can say is, they wanna vaccinate ALL the populace with microchips. Something to think about.
Game theory. 👈 READ.
If you need way more off the wall distraction that isn't related to the coronavirus, this thread is fun.
I know this wore a lot of you out. This is a really well done documentary by one of Hollywood's top stunt men. Enjoy.
I have fulfilled my social contract by sharing this information. Really hope I see all you guys on the other side.