I didn't blog back then, and struggled with one real friend at a time, when I even had a friend. I had very little social introspection and very limited social assessment skills.
I've worked very hard since then to understand intellectually what I didn't understand intuitively. Because of this experience, this life, I know that changing one's perspective is possible, even being neuroatypical with dx perks, but it greatly depends on dropping judgmentalism (social engineering) and rigidity (personal comfort zones, i.e. ruts).
I've said before that it all boils down to selfish vs selfless, embracing the them with us, owning how we affect others, and deciding who we want to be by the way we handle incoming knocking us down over and over.
It's been tough, but I can see I'm in a much better head place than I would have been if I had taken the selfish route.
And staunchly believing in finding my own social fit saved me far more than anything.
I always hated my name. I found ways to function around the self loathing and I eventually found 'my people'. I love my niches, groups, gangs, fandoms. This one tends to abruptly disappear, but I relish it whenever I find it.
Supervillain. I will own you. Come hell or high water.