-Mobile continuation from Xanga blog PinkyGuerrero, this blog is PinkyGuerrero, ongoing continuation at blogs Pinky & Janika & Basically Clueless & PinkFeldspar, in that order.
-Most of the graphics and vids click to sources.
-Personal blog for Janika Banks.
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Thursday, September 21, 2017

I lost my zero

Drove by the Partridge Family bus yesterday, meant to get a pic coming back by and I totally forgot. It's really a copy onto a short bus, so it's not the original. Here's the neighbor's squash garden, though. Enjoy.

So I nearly got a first in my stats, right. A couple days ago I noticed I might possibly catch 0 hits for the first time since I started this blog. That's right, over the entire life of this blog, it's never gone 24 hours without being hit before, and I got excited and thought wo, a new thing I can screenshot. And then this happened.

I know, right. I figured mega bot blast and was trying to guess which country this time. Guess what.

I never woulda dreamed. And I'm pretty sure it's related to the end of the world in a couple of days because the date list here, embedded in that tweak list is this post from 2 years ago after the world didn't end on that 23rd, and I'm pretty sure a superbot insta-crawled that entire year over it.

So I guess sharing that link this week to twitter and facebook got me caught up in a curate slam because 'Murica is in a tizzy.

So you guys have 2 days to get all your junk cleaned out of your souls and get your 'so chill forgiving everyone' hats on because the apocalypse is about to pass us by again. And then there's church the next day for the big letdown, so maybe plan potlucks and bring extra desserts.

Other thoughts-
  • Don't use just one letter as a user name thinking no one else will ever use it to get into your bank. I keep accidentally pulling up someone else's bank page.
  • I made fail soup this week and the only way I could eat it was dump a pile of grated parm on it, AND I ATE IT ANYWAY.
  • I dove into singleplayer one day this week and it felt so gooooood. I didn't even care about the updates, I just buried myself in cobble and left Earth behind. Now I'm wondering if I should do that more often because a Lexx post suddenly appeared.
I'm about ready for the world to stop putting glitter on all girl toys. I picked up a cute little mock Ariel for Bunny to play with in the tub and the glitter jumped off instantly. My house is so glittered up already that I feel like Tinkerbell lives here and she's a slob. Even Daisy Duck gives meticulous instruction on how to sprinkle glitter while saying "triangle" so a triangle cloud will rain over a triangle golf course. I wish I had glitter in minecraft, right. I would shoot tubs of it out of a cannon in PVP or something. Imagine the surprise.

Here's my head. See ya.