When the weekend slings you against the cosmic windshield.
click if your own fail needs cosmic fail to make you feel better
So, @bonenado has shingles all over one of his legs. It hurts.
it's easy to make your own demotivational posters
click to try it out!
Bunny's mama officially hit the middle age mile marker today.
clicks to plenty of distraction to get lost in
I'm kind of working on getting some ostriches together to see if they'll lay eggs on a game server, so of course it's requiring a number of very disconnected steps just getting it all set up. I'm calling it the worst of my problems and ignoring people telling me my player shop is out of sand. Like omg, sand is one of the easiest things in the world to go get, so ~chill~.
clicking this one might be a bit depressing, actually
Oh, yeah, and a *cough*friendofafriend*cough* is coming perilously close to the Pond of Death. That's ok, no one you know.
Or maybe you do, I'm really losing track of who actually stalks me any more. Like from a library parking lot in the wee hours because someone needed their wifi Lexx fix or something. It's all good. I'm cool with wifi however you can find it, right? Not looking at you, unnamed 2 word 3 syllable state vaguely way northeast of me.
I wandered through youtube again last night. It was all auto suggested and nonrelated, so there's probably something for everyone.