-Mobile continuation from Xanga blog PinkyGuerrero, this blog is PinkyGuerrero, ongoing continuation at blogs Pinky & Janika & Basically Clueless & PinkFeldspar, in that order.
-Most of the graphics and vids click to sources.
-Personal blog for Janika Banks.
 photo README2.gif


Friday, December 1, 2017

ironically stymied back to the stone age

That's not my house, but this is my street.

The good news- the entire subdivision will soon have fiber optic, maybe even before Christmas.

The bad news- I can barely pull internet at all till that's done and my data plan is nearly out. If you don't see me, I'm suffering boldly through this.

Thank goodness I can still pull in youtube, but it's slow and has to stop and keep loading. Oh, well.