-Mobile continuation from Xanga blog PinkyGuerrero, this blog is PinkyGuerrero, ongoing continuation at blogs Pinky & Janika & Basically Clueless & PinkFeldspar, in that order.
-Most of the graphics and vids click to sources.
-Personal blog for Janika Banks.
 photo README2.gif


Sunday, August 24, 2014

embracing iframes

Still in high gear, but I can tell I am perilously close to brain crash. Last day on high prednisone dose and managing my blood sugar very well, huzzah! The weird vertigo is gone after two months, so nice side effects happening. I'm sure my ears had swimming pools in them.

Noticing my android won't show embedded youtubes from my blogger posts. I had the same problem with Xanga when they first went mobile, and since the sweeping rewrite, lost original vid embeds anyway. I've been playing around with mobile youtube viewing versus different browser interfaces on my laptop, and all I can say is if you haven't gotten Chrome or Torch yet on whatever desktops you use, sorry but I've gotta march into the future. I may as well stop this juggling and commit to iframes now, because there is no other way I can view youtubes on my phone through blogger, which is odd because Google (which parents both youtube and blogger) strongly supports android interface, which blogger's built in video editor stymies. I tried for a couple of years to accommodate the variety of technologies I see coming in on my stats across all my blog experiments (wordpress is the best for allowing multiple device interface viewing), but until I get actual feedback in comments requesting fixits, I just have no idea what other people can see or not on their iphones, tablets, and laptops. This is what I can see on my end since I created this blog yesterday.

The device stats I get back through the stat counters installed on my Xanga blogs last spring are more detailed, so I've learned a lot about incoming. The biggest thing I've learned is that wordpress isn't the end all beat all of world dominance, lol. I love their categories, wish blogger had that, but by far, blogger still has the most incorporation options. I can ~play~. Tumblr has pleasing options but is so load heavy that I find it a drag to keep up with. G+ and facebook are sadly deficient in organization, and myspace razed my stuff to the ground with the upgrade awhile back. I had a pretty cool myspace going. Not going to try rebuilding that, although you can still get to it by clicking on this gif. Yes, that is really Kevin Smith following me. It's just fun to say that.

Anyway, I have finally, after a whole year of resisting, decided to back a bunch of stuff up onto blogger, and have spent several very hectic days transferring and fixing, and I think this last year of blog experimentation is just about over. I'm not abandoning Xanga by a long shot, because of this.

I also love that wordpress allows automatically sharing a post to a variety other sites. Google is a little stingy getting blogger up to that kind of sharing. Hoping and praying blogger doesn't cave to all the hectic change sideswiping blog hosts left and right, because I really really wanna keep my cute little codes.

Our outside thermometer says it's 108... 

I keep walking away from this. Probly need to just hit send. Here, have a googly burrito face.