-Mobile continuation from Xanga blog PinkyGuerrero, this blog is PinkyGuerrero, ongoing continuation at blogs Pinky & Janika & Basically Clueless & PinkFeldspar, in that order.
-Most of the graphics and vids click to sources.
Tuesday, March 27, 2018
Per a few of the posts I've made lately, I'd like to mention that I'm getting calls again, this time from Las Vegas from alleged 'publishers' who want to help me with my book. I have the message saved on my phone, along with the phone number. I thought the timing was cute, and it's disconcerting as I am not only unlisted, but especially as they tied my pen name to my phone number when the last publishing solicitor in California used my real name. Before that, other publishing solicitors called trying to interrogate me.
Real publishers don't solicit. I am already contracted, so I had already called my own publisher and asked them about this. They sounded pretty shocked this was happening and assured me they don't give out client info.
The calls I'm getting might actually be legit, but it has the feel of someone working very hard tracking me down and letting me know they know where I am. I could be crazy, but my psychologist keeps insisting I'm not. It's funny they keep trying to help me sell my book, instead of other spammy things. They're trying very very hard to help me sell a book... The very first one who called let me know that if I handed over all my blog material they could put together the book *for* me. I'm a nobody, what in the world makes them think I have material worth any kind of money to them? They haven't even seen what is going into the actual book, and I'm sure not discussing it over the phone with a solicitor.
I've said before and I'll say again- If I ever disappear off the webs, it won't be because I left on purpose. I made a promise to stay public. I have my own story, and I'm already contracted. I'm not part of the entertainment industry except as a fan and an unpaid reviewer. The personal secrets I'm dealing with uncovering for my book are much more pervasive to all of us as a developing culture, but very disturbingly turning up in entertainment. Much to my surprise, eggs have started cracking throughout that industry unbidden by me, and I'm knocked over by how similar those stories are to my own.
If none of this is real, all I have to do is ask- Why the obsession, then? Because I'm not the one making up the obsession the entertainment industry has with certain themes and retelling the same stories over and over in varieties of ways, and I'm most certainly not alone noticing this.
I am The Elephant's Child, and I ask ever so many questions.