-Mobile continuation from Xanga blog PinkyGuerrero, this blog is PinkyGuerrero, ongoing continuation at blogs Pinky & Janika & Basically Clueless & PinkFeldspar, in that order.
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-Personal blog for Janika Banks.
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Thursday, March 22, 2018

called it

I've been questioning exactly this from the start, as we saw in Puddleglum. I don't trust any of these groups. It's all a mind game. And if that is what's going on, look back to 1984 and Goldstein, like this guy says in the vid. I've said repeatedly that I'm an Orwell fan. I also hinted yesterday that writers were likely the original pop stars used as a tool by an elite group. If I were dying of tuberculosis, like Orwell, I wouldn't be writing nearly up to my death about creepy state control and then never see the profits and outcomes of that. I would be doing everything in my power to get closure with everyone I ever loved and think deeply about this beautiful earth I lived on for awhile and how grateful I've felt to get this chance to be here for awhile.

From fear and loathing- George Orwell didn't foresee how the proletarians would be used by social media.

From the mighty pen- I love author bios. It's cool finding out that Orwell was unimaginably ill with tuberculosis as he was writing 1984. It's comforting finding out that a favorite book here or there took ten years to write. It's weird wondering what a generation or two after me would say if I ever really did make it. It's horrible thinking it will all go to the grave with me if I don't get this done.

From way past Orwell, and far more sinister- we're clearly past 'conspiracy' now, if one pays any attention at all. The human rights issue is at stake, and how the balance tips on the scale is already happening. The psychological war for world dominance is very real, and if you haven't caught on by now that entertainment is the vehicle and that your chains being yanked on medias to stay upset (and thereby more easily pushed into directions of thought and chain reaction), then you need to wake up.

From and that's about as political as Pinky gets- There is no left or right. Everything is progressing exactly the way it's supposed to and has been for many years. We are watching a game being played out on a world chess board that's been going on for at least a thousand years and maybe much longer. It's not about liberalism and conservatism. It's not about human rights and the ecosystem. It's about winning the whole world.

From I'd probably be a really tough college professor- My problem with modern interpretation of any kind of truth is that our methods of revealing truth still keeps people's eyes shut, even when they think it's opening their eyes. Diversionary tactics include well-timed truth leaking so heads will turn and miss other truths right under their noses. No one wants to see what's really going on, and those who fall the hardest for 'truth' (even when it really is truth) often wind up becoming the very tools that help propel the diversions.

From my personal stance on the LGBT murders- Also, it helps to be aware that govts & media work together to direct the energy flow between hate groups in order to pursue agendas. If we need a different policing system for world peace, they can't just force it on people, but if we feel desperate enough, we'll beg for it. Allow the possibility that some of what we see in media is manipulated to an ends.

From in case some of you need more context on the transgender public restroom debate- I don't care what your religion is and what your beliefs are, if you are dismissive of others and cruel to people over silly ideas that you make big fusses over, I do not stand with you. If you believe it's ok to hurt (and kill) other people just for believing something different from you and looking different from you, and you base everything you think you know about life on glances without getting to know what it's really like in other people's shoes, then you've got a real problem when I walk into your room.

What would Plato say? We're all still in the cave, guys. What would Puddleglum say? So what if the cave is all there is, I'm going to believe what I want anyway because what I believe beats hell out of this cave.

If the truthers wind up being right and we march to our deaths, I've already accepted that I was blessed to be here far longer than I ever thought I would. If World Order is upon us and our children, teach them how to keep secret beliefs, how to quietly share love, and how to live underground without getting caught. Love is the most important part of survival, and the least used concept in Order. And what do I know of Order? Let me just pause and laugh.