So, yesterday felt pretty good, huh? 490 views in the first 18 hours. Gonna miss that weekly rush for the next six months, but maybe I'll get the book finished now, duh.
Getting a tag team tweet thing going with a new twitter account for a cool new scifi show that says Jeffrey Hirschfield is on their team.
For those I haven't gotten around to corrupting yet, Jeffrey Hirschfield was a huge part of Lexx as one of the main writers, 790's voice, and other odd character parts here and there, and many more projects since.
And my insomnia is coming in so handy, 2 a.m. link queen at your service, my pleasure, and I hope it helps.
Meanwhile, real life yesterday, no one saw me deep cleaning bathrooms, patching up a feisty neighbor who looked like the zombies got into her rocky slope-side garden (I wanna be that wild and crazy when I'm her age), texting with Batman's mama about the bloody eyeball (doctor said seasonal allergies and sleep-scratching, will take a month to heal), and trying to keep up with the usual making dinner kind of stuff. Today is town stuff, so I had to get as much done as I could yesterday. My whole week is going to be like this, 100 mph and many things getting done. There will be very little of this kind of stuff.
Meanwhile meanwhile, I think this is one of the coolest new TV show ideas I've ever seen. I really hope these guys can pull it off.