-Mobile continuation from Xanga blog PinkyGuerrero, this blog is PinkyGuerrero, ongoing continuation at blogs Pinky & Janika & Basically Clueless & PinkFeldspar, in that order.
-Most of the graphics and vids click to sources.
-Personal blog for Janika Banks.
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Friday, February 23, 2018

I had to eat that cake off the ground

This screenshot is from the Mo Creatures server, so it clicks back to the website.
This week got pretty rough, so by Wednesday I gave myself the rest of the week off. I was bummed out not knowing what to do with the dive into sad, so I told admin it was a rough week and suddenly found myself being invisibly caked up and fireworks going off all around me, which helped lift my mood up a bit because it was such a funny surprise. After that I hung out with staff going all pyro watching a build copy burn. It felt right.

After that I played around creating single player worlds with forge and the Mo Creatures mod pack. I super cranked up the ores.

And then I took my cue from Bunny, just started spawning colorful things like birds

and butterflies.

That helped, too. And then I spent Thursday on the server mining out the rest of a pit down to bedrock

A lawyer showed up to check on my XP grinder, citing reckless containment of dangerous fugitives.
and killing a bunch of mobs, which also felt good. This guy lost his cowboy hat.

In between times I went on youtube binges, some good, some bad. Started with the usual Space Cowboy, wandered into #bencongruity, and next thing you know I'm bouncing back and forth from weird stuff to 80s oldies but it kept me distracted pretty well. If you're having one of those days, here you go, part of my vid trail. If you trigger easily or don't care for Benny C, you might wanna skip some of these. Let this first one be a warning to you.

I blame this one for triggering the 80s mood.

And next thing you know, there I went. This actually is a pretty good video.

I will be a Corey fan till the day I die. He is braver than anyone I've ever seen in Hollywood.

A lot of 80s music looks so experimental now in highsight. The whole MTV thing.

I mean, you gotta laugh, but seriously. I look back and see how staged all our music genres have been. Planned.

And now we literally have a decade of movies spelling all the stuff out for us. This movie alone completely normalized the entire thing without anyone raising a single eyebrow, not to mention completely screwed google search for certain phrases and word combos. Like magic... Still, makes for super awesome fanvid material. (And that's the point, isn't it? Ben caught you.) Ironically, the official official website of the real real people went live on the cusp of this movie. Everyone seemed to miss that timing.

This wasn't creepy at all. O_O The helicopter shot of those buildings, though. After seeing this, I'm laughing that the rest of the world kept trying to say 'conspiracy'. That's as real as it gets.

Took a little break and laughed. (But you know how I feel.)
Things you only notice about Harry Potter as an adult

I'll just shut up now

before I wind back up in humans as products.

Because depending on who wins, one day we'll be able to buy this kind of stuff, where we want to recreate our lives, hand ourselves over to be 'fixed', and turned loose to feel better without having to think about what happened to us and what was required. If it beats depression, who cares, right? I'm betting it won't be that long till people line up for the brain chips. (In case you need a quick diversion before you go on, I used to talk a bit more about that kind of stuff.)
The first human brain-to-brain interface has been created. In the future, will we all be linked telepathically?

Well, here's what I think.

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