-Mobile continuation from Xanga blog PinkyGuerrero, this blog is PinkyGuerrero, ongoing continuation at blogs Pinky & Janika & Basically Clueless & PinkFeldspar, in that order.
-Most of the graphics and vids click to sources.
-Personal blog for Janika Banks.
 photo README2.gif


Saturday, May 23, 2015

Pinky Guerrero

Other me has once again made a mistake and direct links her fans to ME instead of her own instagram. I bet she absolutely hates me for getting the name first on twitter. Someone else in England got it first on facebook but she got it first on pinterest. There seem to be a bunch of Pinky Guerreros in this world.

That notwithstanding doesn't explain the explosion of hits I woke up to this morning on this blog. I took a look at referral links on my statcounter, and I'm seeing y'all coming in from bookmarks, direct twitter and facebook links, and keyword search referrals don't seem to have anything in particular to do with her. Plus she just doesn't have the oomph to push traffic my way, despite all the little pots and pans she seems to have going on her stove. I'm not finding an IMDB page on her, and whoever has the linkedin can't be her because she's not in the Philippines. There are at least 14 of us on facebook, 12 on twitter. At any rate, I keep my eye on other me because she's actually kind of savvy. She's got a fairly decent mommy blog going, and her aboutme looks like she's out there conquering the world, so I say go her!

But I'm keeping my twitter name. I created it for a reason before I learned about all the other Pinkys. I hadn't yet decided to go back to being public and I wanted to watch fans live tweeting the Merlin live filming going on in France, so my jumping on as Pinky on twitter was more about still harboring ill willed evil villain revenge feels than anything. I'm not over it, and evil schemes continue to move forward, despite rescheduling around continual interruptions.