-Mobile continuation from Xanga blog PinkyGuerrero, this blog is PinkyGuerrero, ongoing continuation at blogs Pinky & Janika & Basically Clueless & PinkFeldspar, in that order.
-Most of the graphics and vids click to sources.
-Personal blog for Janika Banks.
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Thursday, July 14, 2016

the pros and cons of shopping Walmart on gabapentin

Some of these are categorically indeterminable, so I'll just jumble them up together.
  • I flirted back. She was a brunette Brienne of Tarth and one of the friendliest cashiers I've ever had, second only to the Taraji Henson-esque Big K cashier who flirted with me in right in front of Scott a couple of Christmases ago. Scott's been guy flirted with in front of me, too (last guy I saw try it was like a Hiddleston-Jack Nicklaus smash), so we're fairly even on how we score. We just generally don't flirt back.
  • My olfactory receptors are functioning on 'optimal' and I swear I could smell a couple of people growing cancer. They didn't smell 'bad', just different, and that was through their hazes of early morning cigs and booze, their laundry detergent, their pets, their attempts (or non attempts) at mouth odor control (I could probably even correctly tell you whether that was before or after their nutritionally poor breakfasts), and the car smells still lingering around them.
  • I bought more stuff than I intended, but so far I have absolutely no twinges of regret. We'll see how @bonenado feels about it tonight.
  • Driving still sucked because, with the super pings muted by the med, all the other stuff loudly complained. However, I felt more alert than usual. That could have been from getting real sleep, though.
  • I got Bunny's cake ordered and the bakery person was extra special nice to me because I felt extra special nice because I wasn't getting zapped around my left shoulder and chest constantly. I felt like we were in Happy Land together or something. I wonder if she thought I was high. I bet she wishes everyone shopping was high like me.
  • I've come all the way back and brought in groceries and had lunch and doing this and actually thinking about minecraft and haven't laid down yet. I normally have to crash after a morning out in town. I can tell, though, that the second I think of doing something useful, #napclub will immediately wrestle me down and I won't do anything to stop it. I'm still having no twinges of regret about anything.
  • I'm actually still counting my calories, in case you guys might be thinking I'm stuffing my face without any regrets.
  • I shouldn't have even spelled #napclub...

This is close to what Bunny's cake will probably look like. It clicks out to Walmart cakes at a location very far from me, not sure why I can't find a local pic.

I think I want a giant Dr. Strange cake for my birthday that I can fall onto, but yeah, maybe I'm a little bit wasted... I was a little miffed that I can't get a Dr. Strange lunchbox yet (srsly guys, back to school), hafta wait till November.