-Mobile continuation from Xanga blog PinkyGuerrero, this blog is PinkyGuerrero, ongoing continuation at blogs Pinky & Janika & Basically Clueless & PinkFeldspar, in that order.
-Most of the graphics and vids click to sources.
-Personal blog for Janika Banks.
 photo README2.gif


Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Day 5- the pinking dead

Trying to get my brain in. I keep getting lost in the webs. This clicks out to lots more deaded awesome.

Day 4 was a wash. That may cause drowsiness thing took me out and I didn't even drift through the day, more like slugged in and out of bed not even caring if the earth was rotating. Not the best sign in the world for a new med. But hey, I slept like a rock last night.

I can't tell if I'm feeling some kind of weird regret over another work list fluttering away from me like a leaf, but I got a phone confirmation yesterday about a Bunny birthday thing here this weekend, so at least I have some mild panic spurring me on today. Her auntie in Houston super spoiled on the Doc McStuffins gifts through the mail, so guess what kind of cake I'll be ordering, lol, and now I have motivation and a fairly fixed point in time to get a couple of big chores around the house finished up. Yay for social events.

If anything else gets done today, huzzah for me on a med that's turning me into a big pink zombie.

click pic for more fun marathon runner outfits
Actually, this guy gets involved in several charities.

the link in the article this pic clicks to is amusing
this pic clicks to a variety of now missing sources but I did find a snippet still up
which I'll paste here in case it disappears, too
from Sadness as Man in the Big Pink Dress charity champion told may never run again
on 4 November 2015 in Regional North East, Source: Shields Gazette
"Fundraiser Colin Burgin-Plews, well-known for taking part in charity runs in a big pink dress, may have taken part in his last event. Colin, who is known affectionately as The Man in the Big Pink Dress, has been dealt a devastating blow when he was told by 
doctors that he may never run again. Big Pink Dress Colin Burgin-Plews The 47-year-old, of Talbot Road, South Shields, has just passed the £15,000 mark of his £100,000 fundraising target for charity Breast Cancer Now. But Colin fears he may not be able to run after finding out he has tenosynovitis, an inflammation and swelling of the..."
and that's it, it doesn't click out, sorry

But he's still going!!!!!! I guess he was only temporarily stopped, maybe that's why they took the articles down. I found his facebook and twitter. Yes, some of you just saw me repost his stuff before I got this out.

Ok, that's some pretty big pink inspiration (#pinkspiration!), and other colors too, as you can see when you check out his accounts. I think the beard makes it work.

This week started off awesome and slid right off that crash cliff, time to pull out some big guns and motivate the crap outa this day. I just discovered I'm creating #thepinkingdead hashtag, yay!