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circa 10th grade? I think I was wearing one of my dad's old shirts. |
I started this crazy big platform between my evil lair and the walled village. Note of interest- admin advised thinning out our animals, I got a little carried away and created game lag having too many AI blocks concentrated together. Anyway, yes, you can see it's a raised platform and quite big.

This is the seedy dark underbelly full of scum and villainy. After the platform got bigger it got pitch black in there, wonderful for fights. There is method to this madness, but I'll share more on that later.

I've squared this all up now, but you can see it goes over a small lake and covers quite a big of acreage. We'll be able to have a boat docked on the edge of Hades, as it were.

Platform at far left bottom corner, you can kind of get a feel for the size of this project. That sandstone lair on the right was huge enough for my chessboard floor and giant chandelier, remember? I know it looks tiny standing a hill away.

The point to all this is 'theme park'. Kai made the waterfall, which is awesome to ride down like a waterslide, and I have plans to get a cool rail system built that will go up around the lair and over the shark pond and back down under the platform in the scary dark and circle around and over the village and back to the plaza that will get built on that massive platform.

It all takes time. Everything you see in these pix has taken about 4 months total so far, at the very least.
By late afternoon yesterday, my brain was completely obliterated, so I practiced on getting video of alt-view fighting. It's a bit long, but I died at least 11 times (I lost count, could have been 12). At 4:35 you can see a zombie had picked up one of my swords, which ramped up the thrill factor. By 6:20 I was Xena in my little miniskirt, all my armor and most of my weapons were gone. I went back into the heart of darkness and probably had at least 6 mobs on me asap. The horse neighing, if you aren't familiar with MoCreatures, is a skeleton horse. 7:50 it was ON, I had died 7 times by then and I still had a sword left. I can see at least 2 endermen, heard a werewolf, still getting shot with arrows, and no idea what that evil squeal was from, plus that skeleton horse. I must've finally killed that spider, though. Lost track of my sword, so I had to go all Gimli with my pickaxe. At 13:20 I discovered I'd killed a scorpion and didn't even know it. At the end I realized I still had video running and turned it off. Note- I hafta leave before this vid is done loading, so hopefully it'll show up like magic here when it's done.
I think writing all that helped me wake up. I can think about today now. Let's see-
- Big change on the Bunny front, the whole birthday thing got moved to next week Friday and then she'll sleep over and then go home to another birthday party with more people, and then the day after that, Papa gets his 'surprise' birthday next door, so weekend after this one is pretty busy.
- If I can remain upright again today like yesterday, I ~hope~ to get more stuff done around the house, plus I hafta run to town and do things, so I really want this rain stuff to stop for a bit while I do that. We've got area wide flooding again.
- Geek Squad is auto-bugging me for money, so I'm going to call sometime today and remind them we canceled that.
- I tried out minecraft on xbox again (I have free W10 beta) and finally made an avatar. Meet YabloVH on xbox. Don't know if my account is public enough to ever see me on, but I so rarely get on xbox that it probably doesn't matter. This is what Galaxie Gurl would look like as a boy, so there you go. (I found out there's another Galaxie Gurl out there. That's not me, although I approve of the hating spiders bit.)

I'm super in a Halloween/autumn mood, probably just sick of summer already, so here you go, one of my fave reruns. Hafta split.