Last night's butterflied venison loin buttons, two ways. Mine is the small bag on the right, marinating in canola oil, minced garlic, ginger powder, salt, rosemary, thyme, oregano, and a pinch of smoked paprika. @bonenado's larger bag of butterfly chops on the left is marinating in lower sodium soy sauce, minced garlic, ginger powder, and a little canola oil. The pic makes them look big, but they're pretty small. The reason I'm doing separate marinade for myself is because soy sauce has wheat in it, so definitely allergic to soy sauce. I miss it very much.
Toss each bag (mine first) into a smoking hot pan (I love heavy gauge stainless for this kind of cooking) to sizzle and sear for about a minute and a half on whatever rawness presents itself, just barely cook it, right? Every bite melted like butter.
This one was mine.

This one was @bonenado's. You can see by the fork how small these are, almost like beef tips except this is butterflied loin chops.

And of course I baked a potato to split between us and made my favorite pan roasted brussels sprouts. This is pre-parm.

The secret ingredient is really good balsamic at the end.

I honestly don't have much else today. Had a crazy pain night out of the blue for some reason and even though I slept great once I got to sleep, I'm coming off that feeling like I need to distract myself working on other things.