-Mobile continuation from Xanga blog PinkyGuerrero, this blog is PinkyGuerrero, ongoing continuation at blogs Pinky & Janika & Basically Clueless & PinkFeldspar, in that order.
-Most of the graphics and vids click to sources.
-Personal blog for Janika Banks.
 photo README2.gif


Monday, January 23, 2017

a state of meh

Power point-

✍ Final draft has commenced. Wrote a bit through a haze of numb and tired and am exceptionally pleased with the result so far. Maybe I needed to reach a state of meh to really arrive. 😄

🎮 I'm hearing that the new Mo Creatures is up and running now, yay! 😍

😴 myAir says I've earned my silver badge and I'm now going for the gold. ⭐

😋 Bunny chomped down an entire BIG raw carrot yesterday. I've never seen a little kid do that. 🐇