-Mobile continuation from Xanga blog PinkyGuerrero, this blog is PinkyGuerrero, ongoing continuation at blogs Pinky & Janika & Basically Clueless & PinkFeldspar, in that order.
-Most of the graphics and vids click to sources.
-Personal blog for Janika Banks.
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Saturday, April 23, 2016


What better way to celebrate being contacted last night for a sneak peek write up than to jump back into Rivyndell realm this morning and immediately get killed 3 times in a row by a bow slinging zombie with a pumpkin head. I got most of my stuff back every time, but decided the crazy respawn point on the ____ (you can't know yet) had to be moved back to my old bed at the castle, at least for the time being. Ben Solo lectured me a bit on nearly getting the village massacred. He likes to exaggerate, but he had a golem, so I didn't argue. I would've pointed out that a stupid villager was the one who let the zombie into the house and the golem wouldn't have been any good with doors, but I apologized and went about fixing up a couple of the gardens. I'm getting pretty good with gardens now, thanks to the sheltered village on MoC. Riv has a soft spot for villagers. I'm trying to pick up a few things before I go back to Starrstrukk and keep working on saving my desert village from complete ruin. I did get a couple pix though while I was in Rivyndell.

Oh, nothing, just leaving this here...

Anyway, work is starting to pick back up, and I spent a glorious day yesterday touching base with several people and getting a few projects lined back up. Yes, I mentioned a headache on the twitters, it's that time of year where spring allergy season clashes with old occular and trigeminal leftovers and I go into a weird feedback loop in my nerves because fibro/Lymie (srsly, u can haz both), and aspienado overload and divert through shutdown kind of thing. It was a good Lexx day, let's just say that. That's how I used to do it in the old days, sling through the hard stuff bouncing off the writing and coding walls. All familiar stuff.

So I'm excited. I mean, who wouldn't be with the words- "How would you like to be the first American to..."