That's underneath my sand manufacturing facility. Can you believe this building was once part of the sand?
I've also been doing tree farming experiments. This is the beginning of a lattice network platform. Oak and acacia don't seem to mind being crowded, but I don't like the tree farming advice I'm finding online because it leaves great clouds of leaves hanging in the sky. I'm pragmatic, but I don't lack appreciation for aesthetics.
I don't do well watching TV with @bonenado without twitter. Keeping one eye on live tweeting greatly reduces friction in the house, but thanx to thunderstorms, no Walking Dead Sunday night, and you know how it goes when you catch a midnight replay on the DVR, you get the last minute of the show before, and that really sucked because it was that same ep, so right off the bat we were both cranky.
So time change, 2 Mondays in a row, major TWD spoiler last night, no twitter saving us bcuz my arms frickin hurt holding my phone, and now minecraft lagging, but coffee was srsly awesome this morning, and I slept really good a LOT this weekend. Bring on Tuesday.
Healing takes time. I took a bit of damage, but like figuring out how to lattice a platform on a tree farm in minecraft, so I lattice my way back up my mountain. And maybe the lag is a mirror of my little head thinking it's still Monday. I made it through the hardest parts. The. hardest. parts. How can I not look back on that and be joyful? Every sunrise I see here on this earth or in minecraft, I pause and remember I held on.