But why? I haven't done anything different. So checking sources for measurment....
And at this point Strong Bad's voice erupted through my brain saying "YOUTUBE? Since when has youtube been part of my klout score? How in the world did it suddenly give me 23% more support?"
But that doesn't explain why now.
And then I remembered- Oh, yeah, I started a new Lady GaGa playlist just this week. It has this description-
Could be anything Lady GaGa related as long as it helps me clean #PinkysHaus
And then I proceeded to hash all manner of despicable fan abuseries in between official VEVO releases. But, but... do playlist views count on klout now? Why yes, yes they do! Youtube seems to be rolling out cool new analytics stuffs. It's still a mess right now...
Not all of the analytics are available for playlists yet, for instance, I went in circles going around 'not available right now' until I finally got into a couple of charts and was then able to kind of back track into what I couldn't direct link to in the analytics menu.
Yeah, what's up with 7-25-15? >=l No playlist embedded into a post that day. Kinda wondering if that's when I put the Khirk playlist into my side bar, but I play that one all the time on my phone while I'm in the shower and I'm not getting device analytics on it yet because it's still web-only mode, probably because they're still working on it, plus the hit dates don't match for that particular playlist.
Well, turns out it's my Sherlock 2 playlist, BING. Absolutely no idea why that day unless I linked it to twitter, but I'm not going to dig that deep on twitter and find out, but guess who is my biggest web visitor for that playlist. Waving to Japan, hi guys.
Ok, anyway, my POINT is that my klout score suddenly bumped up just in the last few days because youtube suddenly jumped into the game, so I think what's happening is youtube is rolling out a new deeper analytics model that feeds your social media analytics hubs like klout. I got an email from sumall recently about a new rollout they're doing, too, so I bet there's a lot of syncing going on in the coding world, finally. I've talked before about the big information gaps between this tracker or that, and how they read differently from google analytics and stuff, but I think, given a little more time, it's all going to start mashing up more sweetly.
And thanks muchos nachos to Benedict Cumberbatch and Lady GaGa for being big dealios because my klout score went up just because I made some playlists. And thanks to Strong Bad on general principal.
This is like the big taco of Haus of GaGa, it's got parodies, Sherlock, Star Trek, DJ mixes, fan smashes, and of course, the Mother Monster herself.