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I've about talked poor @bonenado's ears off this weekend. I bet he's missing the quiet of last weekend, but he's the one who keeps starting conversations, so watching him wriggle his way out of me motor mouthing to get back to his paused TV show is kind of funny.
The problem is, Scott is a big crime lord buff (yes, on top of the zombie werewolf samurai WWII vampire stuff), and I'm a big film marketing buff (among other extensive film obsessions, I own nearly every Johnny Depp movie ever made, read the thousand page bio, studied *everything* about filming the POTCs and at least half his other movies {I did the same thing with Jackie Chan a decade earlier}), so when he asked if I knew who all was in Black Mass, I launched into a power point on the genius who put all these marketable gems together while Scott interjected what he knew about all the cool history behind Whitey Bulger. What really sells it for me, though, is how absolutely creepy Johnny looks in character here.
I don't do movie theaters very well any more (that is one place I really miss being heavily medicated), so I'll have to suffer waiting patiently, hopefully we can get it on PPV fairly quickly, because I'll be a mess waiting for it. Some of you probably remember I'm also a bit of a Kevin Bacon fan, lol.
there's a story behind this if you click it |
You guys know there's a big CERN thing going on, right? Hang on, I need a brain boost with my coffee. These vids actually play in 'compose' here on blogger while I'm working. Cool, huh? You don't get that with the 'beep beep boop' on wordpress. Well, at least I don't. Anyway, in case that prompted anyone else to free associate and wonder what else has happened on Sept 28 through the years, here you go. (:edit: Sorry, wrong day. 9-23 Hey, you can get a t-shirt.) In the meantime... coffee. (Ok, those of you not following, here's your 'end of the world 9-23' search. Have fun.) (Oh, and the song is an illuminati joke.) (I personally don't think 9-23 is the 'end' because they haven't digitized the dollar yet, really wish they'd pull together on this prophecy stuff, this yanking out new end dates over and over is getting sooooo old.) (And if it all turns out to be real, freaking out isn't going to change anything, so chillax and go get some coffee.) (:another edit: Every time an end date is announced, I want a t-shirt with "I survived fill in this blank". I'd have a whole closet of t-shirts if I'd really done this.) (I'm not mocking anyone {ok, yes I am}, but I'm going to have a bit to say in Existential Aspie about people who crave escapism through end world doom and are severely disappointed every time it doesn't happen.) (In a nice way. Not mocking.) (Guys, I. grew. up. with. this.) (My point.) (Ok, now my link is the same color and you can't see it, just click that point thing.)
My Khanlock post continues to be my most searchable Pinky bait. I linked this pic to the referring url because it looks cool, but I can't tell from my end if it'll open up for you.
Why is this not a thing? I can find almost any other ship combo imaginable, but not this.
Heck, there's even a #Jindy ship. Srsly, click that hashtag for the feed.
While I quite enjoyed combing this search for anything Sylar-Khan, alas, I'm stunned that I finally couldn't find something on the webs. I always find everything on the webs.
You know what this means, right? Time travel is REAL, and someone is changing things. Yes, I find it that impossible for SylarKhan to not exist in any form. I find streams crossing Molly/Khan (Sherlock/Star Trek) and Danny/Kirk (Heroes/Star Trek), and even Sylar/Sherlock (Heroes/Sherlock), but not Sylar/Khan (Heroes, Star Trek).
Not that these aren't excellent.